Thursday, September 18, 2014

I HOPE they call me on a Mission!

May 22, 2014 7:00 am
"I'm going on a mission!" was Joci's response to President Monson's announcement about the change in age for Elders and Sisters.  Over a year later as Joci was ending her senior year and real life was coming so quickly, she was wondering what the right steps were to take in her life.   A mission and college had always been in her long term goals but at the end of her senior year those big decisions were staring her in the face! She made the decision to go to a college close by instead of going to Utah State, but that didn't feel right!  She tried to make the decision to go to Utah State but that didn't feel right either.  After much talking, praying and a few tears we were talking about her decisions and fears and I said "Joci you can do anything!  It's normal to have some fears and worries when you're graduating from High School.  If you weren't scared what would you do?"  With big tears and a big smile she said, "I would go on a mission!"  Then the peace came and she said, "Mom, I'm going on a mission!"  That's the short version of the story.   It was a beautiful thing to see the peace she received when she made the decision to serve a mission.  It was a wonderful experience to feel an answered prayer in her life.  That was the end of April and everything fell into place so quickly after that.  She turned in her papers and anxiously awaited her call!  On May 22 at 6:50 in the morning we got a call from the post office telling us that her call was there!  Joci, Kaiti and I jumped into the car in our PJ's and went to the post office to get her Mission Call!  What a fun morning!

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